Wednesday, October 24, 2012

MYST 3 7 Psychopaths


Seven Psychopaths

            This film is very interesting. While you want to love it because of the great casting of Walken and Harrelson, you get to the end of the movie and you realize, that was a waste of 110 minutes. If I had to give this movie a ranking I would give it a 55/100 and the only reason it is that high is because of two things. One scene with Sam Rockwell on Peyote and the other being just overall a love of Christopher Walken and his awesome voice.
            Basically the movie follows a man (Colin Farrel) who is writing a script for a movie of a bunch of psychopaths, hence the name. It then goes on to tell the story of each of the characters that he writes for his script, several of them being main characters in the film. The other main aspect of the movie is that Farrels best friend is a dog thief who stole one of the psychopaths in Farrels scripts Shih Tzu, and lets say the owner is not happy. Let me just say, why should we care about a film that revolves around a crazy man that lost his dog? The film jumps into a world of different scenarios and what director Martin McDonagh sought to be exciting events that for me did absolutely nothing.
            One thing McDonagh did great though was setting, casting and just the overall feel of the film style. The camera was smooth, made you feel like it was a high budget, hard worked on film with some great actors and great plot setting. If you like to watch a film just for overall satisfaction and don’t really care if you get much from it in the end, then this film may actually suit your fancy. But for me I like a twist, a captivating entity in a film and for me this film just did not deliver that. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job with these reviews in your MYST posts. Keep up the good work, but maybe add a little more explanation when you explore the cinematic elements.
