Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Group Projct: Create A Movie CRASH

The movie that my group created is called Crash starring John Travolta as Nick Redkin, Pam Grier as Janice Templeton and Robert De Niro as Ted Gretch. We had Steven Spielberg as our director and Universal Studios as our studio being that Spielberg had already worked a lot with them.

            Crash is about a racecar driver (Travolta) who is the best racecar driver in the world. He’s got the fame, he’s got the girls, and he’s got all the money in the world. The problem is that he just is a bit of a jerk, he has no morals, no respect and it is really hurting his could be prosperous life. Redkin gets in a severe crash and he is carried off in a stretcher. When he awakes in the hospital a beautiful Pam Grier is his nurse. He instantly falls for her and throughout the film gets to know just who she is. When released from the hospital he notices faint scratches, inconsistencies in his world, but he simply blames it on his head injury. Whilst falling in love with Grier, Robert Deniro as Ted Gretch comes into the picture. Deniro plays Redkins best friend who is teaching Nick how to get rid of his anger, and his judgment. Deniro plays almost a guardian angel in this film and helps him be the person that his love Janice really wants to be with. The day before the couple’s marriage Nick passes out and wakes up in heaven where he realizes he was dead after the crash, he never even made it to the hospital. Deniro redeems himself as a guardian angel and gives Nick a second shot on earth with his newfound morals and strengths. When he awakes in the same hospital bed with the same nurse he reaches for her and kisses her. Deniro gives a wink in the background and fades away. The end shows a ring being put on a finger at a wedding.

            We went with R rating for this because there is going to be blood, there is going to be violence and language, and there is going to be nudity. Our focus was cinematography and for that we chose Robert Surtees. We thought he would be a good fit because he filmed the movie The Sting and the sting and Crash have similar surprise endings so we needed someone who knew how to work the camera, and give a great surprise ending like he knows how to do so well.

            These actors were carefully picked as well. Travolta was young, handsome and cocky, perfect for the role. He had been mostly a TV actor before this so this was his big break. Grier was black, beautiful and a talented actress. She had been in several films before this such as Foxy Brown, and Black Mama, White Mama. We chose Robert De Niro because he is a very experienced actor up until this point having being in The Godfather II, Bloody Mama, and Hi Mom! If I were doing this movie as a solo project I would have made it a little more masculine, thrown in some fight scenes, some more blood and maybe a little more gruesome of a struggle for their love.

1 comment:

  1. The story is an interesting one. This movie seems very quirky, but it might work. The people in it seem very different, but who knows. More about the '70s elements and industry connections.
